Architectural photography is a unique form of art that celebrates the beauty of buildings and structures. Taking photos of architecture can be rewarding and fun, whether you are looking to improve your skills or want to give it a try for the first time.

A professional architectural photographer works to capture and document the intricate design of buildings, monuments, and other structures. They often work for architects or other professionals, but they can also take photographs on their own and sell them to clients.

Getting Started

If you’re interested in getting started in architectural photography, the first thing to do is make sure you have all of the equipment you need. For example, you’ll need a camera with high ISO capabilities and wide apertures to make your images look as good as possible. You’ll also want to have a tripod that you can use to support your camera while you shoot.

You can find many different types of lenses that you can use to capture buildings. These range from ultra-wide lenses that are great for creating a sense of space and capturing the shape of a building, to fish eye lenses that give a unique perspective on a building’s exterior.

When it comes to editing, you’ll need a powerful post-processing app that will allow you to adjust the exposure, contrast, and more for each photo. Some apps also offer presets that you can use to quickly apply various filters to your photos.

Adding People to Architectural Photographs

A lot of photographers will add people to their architectural photographs, especially if it helps tell the story of a particular structure or place. However, it is important to note that there is no right or wrong way to do this. This is a personal artistic decision and it will be up to you to decide how much or how little you want to include people in your images.

Choosing Your Shots

The most important thing to remember when taking photos of architecture is that you need to get a feel for how the building looks and feels in the real world. This will help you to decide what sort of angle to use, or if you want to shoot from above or below it.

Using a Tilt-Shift Lens

A tilt-shift lens is an ideal type of lens for architectural photographers because it allows you to adjust the angle of your photos independently from the camera. This will allow you to avoid the perspective distortion that can occur when shooting tall buildings.

Editing with Photoshop

If you want to enhance your architectural photography, you’ll need to do some editing in a photo-editing program like Adobe Photoshop. This will help you to create a more polished, well-edited image that can be used for your portfolio and as a selling point for potential clients.

Adding Colour and Textures to Your Architectural Photos

One of the most interesting ways to create architectural photos is by adding colour and texture. You can do this by taking photos in black and white or adding a pop of bright colours to your shots. This will help to create a more dramatic and impactful photo that people can really appreciate.